Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Assessment Preparation - Urban Sprawl

1. Identify specific examples of Urban Sprawl and Consolidation in Sydney and describe how these are examples of urban sprawl (include photos). (1 of each - consolidation and sprawl)
a) URBAN SPRAWL: Ropes Crossing in Parramatta is an example of urban sprawl. Located 10km east of Penrith CBD, it is the creation of a new suburb in rural Parramatta to create more housing, schools and parklands for the growing population of Sydney. It is approximately 900 hectares of land. There were many challenges and protests against the making of Ropes Crossing. People became aware that although it would make much more housing for Sydney's population growth it was destructing natural habitats for native flora and fauna. This is an example of Urban Sprawl because it is the production of a new suburb on the outskirts of Western Sydney.

b) URBAN CONSOLIDATION: Warriewood Valley has been under heavy commercial, industrial and residential development during the past 17 years and it is predicted that this is merely the halfway mark. What was once a valley filled with rural areas such as; horse paddocks, is now guttered streets paved with townhouses filling the streets. Althought there has been much debate against the development of Warriewood, Pittwater council and the state government feel it is necessary to house the large population increase but the approval has not occurred yet for Meriton Apartments to built their 600 appartments, 16; 3 and 5 storey apartments costing over $100million. This is an example of consolidation because an existing area is being built on and non-detached houses are being placed there, building up the population density rather than spreading it.


Proposed Style of Apartments in Warriewood.

2. In one of these examples you need to identify and list all of the INVOLVED PARTIES - (NGOs, governments, individuals, businesses or groups)

For Ropes Crossing in Parramatta, Delfin had a huge influence as they were producing the suburb. The Parramatta Council also welcomed the development as it was expected to supply a huge array of job opportunities and invite new families to join the area. However, there was some arguement, the NGO known as 'Western Sydney Regional Community Care Forum' felt that valuable habitats that were home to native flora and fauna would be lost with the creation of such a suburb.

In Warriewood, the council and government played an important role. Due to its unforeseen size and height, Oceanvale Apartments by Meriton has been moved to state government matter. At the moment they are pending their decision whether to allow it  or not. The council also played a large part in the planning, they supplied information, data and suggestions to the state government so they were fully informed on their decision. Meriton is also involved in the process as they are the developers of the project. Sydney Water has stepped into the process as well as they have received reports that residents in the higher appartments will be able to see in the the local sewerage plant. Various residents have also been involved as well because they are concerned that this huge project will destroy what defines Warriewood.

3. Describe how all of these parties (at least two) are involved in this example of Urban Consolidation/Sprawl. Talk about what their interest is in this development/area of development. (At least two paragraphs for each group.)
Meriton: The developers and managers of the entire project obviously have a key influence. Many residents and Pittwater Council are strongly opposed to the idea of allowing them to build such unnecessary projects but Meriton claims that because they are only five storeys high they are not considered 'highrise' appartments and all views of the sewerage plant will be appropriately screened.

Pittwater Council: After putting so much work into the arguement against high rise apartments Pittwater Council are no longer involved. Due to its enormous price and size, the proposed Oceanvale appartments have become state matter. The council feels hurt as they had placed so much effort into a counter attack but it is no longer in their hands, all their work may be worthless.

NSW Government- Department of Planning: As the cost and size of Oceanvale apartments exceeding the control of the council, the state government for planning needed to step. They were always for the construction of the homes because of the large population increase that has ocurred recently. However, many residents and councillors feel cheated because the government and the opposition both received donations from the Meriton boss Harry Triguboff. For this reason they should not have a say in this as their opinion has been made bias by Meriton.

Sydney Water: Sydney Water needed to step into the project development as it became apparent that residents in the higher appartments could see into the sewerage plant. They have said that they do not oppose the project but simply needed to highlight the fact.

4. What are the possible responses to the issue? Or, if there has been a response already, what is/has been, the response to this issue? (at least two responses)

 There have been many responsesOceanvale apartments. Residents are concerned that their quiet suburb will become busy and traffic prone. Various groups have stated that the apartments will not fit into the environment or suburb due to its size and sense of grandeur. People also feel that apartments are not necessary  where they live and that the council planned dwellings would suit much better. However, Meriton has trumped these claims saying that young couples are their demographic, those who can not afford detached housing.

5. Evaluate the effectiveness of one of the possible responses to this instance of Urban Sprawl/Consolidation.

The responses of residents have been very effective. Protests have occurred throughout Warriewood and many complaints sent. In the end this could have a huge affect on the decision made by the state government. When they come out in large numbers, the residents can create quite a stir. The media attention surrounding the development has become huge as it greatly influences everyone in the area. If this single development goes through, it could create a pathway for many other projects in the future which is something that the once farmland, Warriewood does not want.

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