Sunday, May 1, 2011

Athens in Five Images

1. Restoration - Athens experiences much acid rain and as such buildings are often vulnerable to wearing and erosion. One such building is the Parthenon which is one of the biggest tourist attractions in the world and so due to acid rain it needs to be restored into a quality condition and some of the marble bricks need to be replaced.

2. Deforestation - Due to the ever increasing population in Athens, they have needed to expand their territories outwards by huge amount. During expansion of the city they have come across various obstacles; forests and trees being one of them and so deforestation has occurred in order to continue Athens' growth.

3. Reservoirs - Another demand to the increasing population in Athens was the need for fresh, clean water. Lake Marathon is an artificially constructed body of water that was created as an effect of the development of  the Marathon Dam. Interestingly, the material that the dam was made out of was the same as the materials used in the production of the Parthenon.

4. Athens Metro - Since its development in 2000, the Athens metro has reduced huge amounts of traffic on the streets and pollution from cars. The rapid transport system gets 1,150,000 riders a day. 

5. Athens Basin or Attica - Athens is built around four large mountains one of which has been declared a national park. The geomorphology of Athens has been deemed one of the most complicated in the world, (Geomorphology is the study of how certain land forms are created). Due to these landforms, a temperature inversion occurs, plus the addition of pollution has been causing air pollution problems for Athens. 

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